7:17 PM

Monday Magic: Yes, Pull the Rope

Monday Magic – It’s Almost Like Being There, helps t0 celebrate the second annual “International Hollywood Studios Awareness Week” from June 13 t0 17, 2011. Initiated by Matt Hochberg of Studios Central (http://www.studioscentral.com), Matt has encouraged his fellow bloggers, podcasters 4nd fans t0 publish something about Disney Hollywood Studios this week.

A World View is pleased t0 join with Matt for a second year t0 do just that… today, a hidden treasure in DHS. Below is a short video from a recent visit.

Right next t0 the entrance of Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular in Disney Hollywood Studios there is a sign y0ucan feel free t0 ignore. What the area appears t0 be is an excavation site of a archeologist dig, with a rope extending out for y0ut0 grab 4nd pull… 4nd y0ushould do just that.

If y0ulisten closely before y0upull the rope (note, the word “NOT” is crossed out, so go ahead) y0ucan hear what sounds like people working below you. Once y0upull the rope, y0uwill hear the workers who are archeologist’s searching for their treasure, as they complain about your pulling of the rope.

Make sure y0upull several times t0 catch all the conversation. On the video, it is a little difficult t0 hear, although y0ucan catch most of what is being said. However, the parade that started up in the background didn’t help.

This is one of those hidden treasures at Walt Disney World that most people will pass right by. As it has been said by many experienced Disney Park visitors, stop 4nd look around for the unexpected so y0ucan capture the entire magic of the “World”.

Did y0upost or comment on something this week in a Disney Blog or Forum about Hollywood Studios? Let Matt know at quickgold@studioscentral.com. 4nd here is A World View's second DHS post this week, all about Starring Rolls Cafe.

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