3:03 PM

Isle of Wight Hotel Holiday

Isle of Wight Hotel Holiday

by Sean Revell

The Isle of Wight is a relatively large island located just a few miles off the southern coast of England. It is easily accessed by ferry service from Portsmouth and Southampton.

For decades this small island has been a tourist Mecca for visitors from all over Great Britain. Unlike the past when the island was just visited by the sun seekers; today, the island has also become famous for its other activities, which include a variety of water sports, music festivals and outdoor excursions. The city of Cowes is also a famous yachting center and has been a major source of attraction for the boating crowds from all over Europe.

Despite being only a few miles away from England, the Isle of Wight offers a completely different variety of tourist attractions. The island has a wealth of natural landscapes and rugged coastline scenery plus miles of superb white sandy beaches.

Unlike most of Britain, the Isle of Wight offers a great all year warm weather, with mild winters. Once on the island there is plenty to see and do. A few places to see include the Alum Bay with its different colors of sand. Just next to it is the Needles. This famous piece of headland and off shore rocks offers a spectacular view of the surrounding land and waters.

Also a visit to the Blackgang and Shanklin Chine is a must. These two impressive gorges formed decades ago have now been turned into an entertainment park. Going to the far South of the island, one should also see the Steephill cove. Accessible only by walking, the view of the sea from here is exhilarating and there is also a seafood restaurant located nearby.

In the summer, the island is full of entertainment programs which include the music festival, the air extreme sports, walking festival, carnivals and mountain bike festivals. However, it is the music festival which has been a major attraction for most tourists. Some of the top bands and artists regularly perform here during the summer.

There are ample pubs, bars, restaurants and hotels which cater to every type of budget. In all the towns, there are stores ranging from antiques, boutiques, modern and high end designer stores. In the summer the shops are teeming with tourists in search of bargains and souvenirs.

The Isle of Wight is one of the few places in Great Britain which affords a family vacation and offers more than a simple visit to the beach. It is a more personable holiday with a great shopping experience

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