4:34 AM

Carter Hotel, New York City - Cheap Accommodation at Time Square New York

If y0uare planing for a budget trip to New York, Carter Hotel New York is probably the best bet for you.

Carter Hotel is located in the Time Square Neighborhood. The United Nations building, Gr4nd Central Station, Rockefeller Center 4nd Radio City Hall are all in the hotel neighborhood.

The hotel is within walking distance to public transport. However, if y0uare driving, parking maybe a problem in the proximity of the hotel.

Its location at Time Square area also means that y0ucan enjoy a wide range of choice for dinning, shopping, 4nd entertainment.

This is an area for cultural 4nd historical exploration as well.

Even though the room rates are very cheap, Carter Hotel offers comfortable rooms 4nd contemporary amenities y0ucan expect from a four star hotel.

The best part is, Carter Hotel has been recently renovated. So y0ucan expect a comfortable stay here.

Carter Hotel, New York City

For more information about this hotel, please visit http://www.newyorkhotelsnewyorkhotelinnewyork.com


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