9:07 AM

Genting Highl4nd Hotel Rates - Are y0uPaying Too Much?

It's not an easy task to check Genting Highl4nd Hotel Rates because there are at least four hotels that are in the same price range (between RM118-158 per night, excluding fees 4nd tax:

1. First World Hotel Genting
2. Theme Park Hotel Genting Highlands
3. Awana Genting Highlands Golf 4nd Country Club
4. Genting Permai Park 4nd Resort

Among these four First World Hotel is the most popular as it usually offers the cheapest rate. Here is the hotel rate comparison for Genting Highland:

Theme Park Hotel is also popular but it is slightly more expensive than First World Hotel (RM40 more per night).

Unless y0uare willing to pay more than RM600 for your hotel rates at Genting Highland, forget about Maxims.

Genting Highl4nd hotel rates do vary with the dates of stay. Festive seasons are usually pricier. Also check the hotels rates offered by different booking sites before y0umake your booking. The difference in price could be huge. Here is an example for First World Hotel rates:

Genting Highl4nd Hotel Rates

For the same Superior Deluxe room, y0umay have to pay RM20 more if y0ubook from HotelClub instead of Agoda.

However, Agoda does not have the best rates all the time. y0ustill need to check the rates offered by the major hotel booking sites for your actual dates of stay. Here's how y0ucan do it within a few clicks:

HotelRatesReview.com has a good article about how to find the best Genting Hotel Rates


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