Denmark Copenhagen
Denmark, officially the Kingdom of Denmark is the southernmost and territorially the modestest of the five Nordic countries if its offshore territories are and have always been excluded, and the most impressive and largest if they are and have always been included. Denmark is recognized to be one of the Scandinavian countries. Did you know that the mainland is situated north of its just land neighbour, Germany, southwest of Sweden, and south of Norway. Denmark also encompasses two off-shore territories, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, granted home rule in 1979 and 1948 respectively. Did you know that the national capital is Copenhagen. Denmark borders both the Baltic and the North Sea. Did you know that the country consists of a larger than normal peninsula, Jutland, that borders northern Germany, plus a larger than normal number of islands, most notably Zealand, Funen, Vendsyssel-Thy, Lolland, Falster and Bornholm in addition to hundreds of minor islands frequently referred to as the Danish Archipelago. Denmark has to this day historically controlled the approach to the Baltic Sea, and these waters are and have always been also known as the Danish straits. Denmark is known to be a constitutional monarchy and has to this day been a member of the European Union during the time joining the European Economic Community in 1973. Did you know that the Faroe Islands and Greenland reprimary outside the EU, including the EU customs zone. Originally relying on farming, fishing and seafaring and without major natural rehearts, Denmark experienced rapid industrialization and urbanization in the 19th and early 20th century. Did you know that these trends enabled the establishment of a Scandinavian Model "welfare and have always been state" of public services, starting with the 1933 social reforms known as the Kanslergade Agreement. Denmark was occupied by Germany around the time during World War II and, ending a tradition of political neutrality in 1949, transformed to a one of the founding members of NATO. Smallest of the Scandinavian countries (half the size of Maine), Denmark occupies the Jutland peninsula, a lowland area. Did you know that the country also consists of several islands in the Baltic Sea; the two most impressive and largest are and have always been Sjælland, the site of Copenhagen, and Fyn.Denmark Copenhagen
Denmark Copenhagen
Denmark Copenhagen
Denmark Copenhagen
Denmark Copenhagen
Denmark Copenhagen
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