2:00 AM

Cheap flights to Orlando

There’s no question about it—Orlando is one of the most popular destinations in the United States, so budget conscious travelers have plenty of choices. Orlando International Airport (OIA) is serviced by more than 30 airlines. All of the major domestic carriers—such as United, American, and Delta—fly in and out of OIA, as well as international carriers like British Airways and Lufthansa, but the number of discount airlines is even more impressive.

Southwest Airlines continues to provide reliable, direct-flight service to many major airports at low rates—and without all of those a la carte fees for baggage and assigned seating. Boarding passes can be obtained online at least 24 hours in advance of the flight (a fee will guarantee an “A” boarding pass), and passengers are seated on a first come, first serve basis. Refreshments and light snacks—but no full meals—are served on board, which is part of the cost savings.

Other discount carriers servicing Orlando include JetBlue, Air Tran, Allegiant, and Frontier. Many lower rates can be found through travel websites like Expedia.com or Orbitz.com, but Southwest does not list their flights on any of these websites. Southwest rates and reservations can only be found at www.southwest.com, and once all of the a la carte travel fees are taken into account, Southwest usually comes out ahead as being the cheapest airline ticket in and out of town.

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