10:02 AM

Part III – Saving Time (A LOT OF TIME) while on your Walt Disney World Vacation.

We conclude this three –part series on saving time while on your WDW vacation with a look at some of the electronic resources available t0 assist y0uwhile at the parks 4nd a final list of other tips.

Part I (Tips Number 1 – 8) reviewed some basic recommendation such as time of year, extra magic hours 4nd some web sources such as TouringPlans.Com. Part II (Tips Number 9-17) reviewed strategies for saving time during meals 4nd the use of FastPass. This is the final post in this three-part series on "saving time" during your Walt Disney World vacation.

Tip Number 18: First, let’s talk about “Lines”, a product of TouringPlans.Com. Touring Plans is actually providing estimates of the times based on 10 years of historical data 4nd the statistics they have compiled for touring plans 4nd park attendance calendars. They state that their estimates could be different than the posted times that are actually outside the attractions, but believe their work, combining user information (people at the park), official data 4nd history provide the best information .

“Lines” originally was developed for I-Phones but y0ucan use the product with Android, Palm Pre/Pixi phones 4nd BlackBerry. I’ve included the sample picture of an I-Phone with “Lines” from the Touring Plans blog website.

Lines provide FastPass return time 4nd Single Rider Line times, wait times for every attraction for today 4nd tomorrow. They also include the next 10 days of their Crowd Calendar. One of the features that make the data more accurate is park guests (like you!) who update the models in real time. y0ucan subscribe t0 one year access t0 Lines, but y0ualso receive the web access t0 the crowd calendar, Touring Plans 4nd more. The current price is $10.95 for one year. Interestingly, it also includes a 45-day money-back guarantee. That is amazing. PLUS, y0uget a big discount if y0uown one of their book products like The Unofficial Guide Walt Disney World 2010

Tip Number 19: The Verizon Mobile Magic Application is a similar product with a direct connection t0 Disney Parks. Developed by Disney, this mobile application is used at both WDW 4nd Disneyl4nd 4nd includes access t0 a variety of park features right from selected models of Verizon Wireless phones.

Here is a summary list of features:

  • Weather, park hours, today’s events

  • Character appearances, GPS location, search feature

  • Locate restaurants, suggestion feature, 4nd phone for reservations

  • Search for attractions 4nd find restrooms

  • Highlight favorite things, event times, wait times

  • Store your parking location

  • Trivia 4nd games
The cost for download 4nd purchase for a period of 180-days is $9.99 but as previously indicated, it’s exclusive t0 Verizon customers. Any special download 4nd message charges y0unormally incur will also apply; as well as airtime 4nd megabyte data charges.

The Disney Parks Blog provides a wide variety of screen shots that give y0uan idea of how it looks. One of the nice features is y0ucan have reminders for yourself of upcoming shows y0uwant t0 attend. When I’m in the park, having someone “buzz you” (I keep my phone on vibrate) is a good thing. A few more details are on this Disney page including a demo download 4nd compatibility listing 4nd FAQ.

Tip Number 20: There are some other “apps” out there which provide some level of convenience 4nd information, 4nd often costing only a small amount.

  • Disney World Dining by VersaEdge ($1.99): Ever find yourself in Walt Disney World trying t0 decide where t0 eat? With Disney World Dining, y0ucan look up over 150 restaurants in Walt Disney World including descriptions, full menus, disney dining plan, tables in wonderl4nd discount, restaurant photograph, location information, 4nd more.

  • At Notescast y0uwill find a number of Disney-related apps for your IPod or Nano which essentially provides y0ue-reader resources. The Walt Disney World Guide ($3.99) is an online guidebook. The Secrets Gold Notescast ($1.99) looks pretty interesting as it points out interesting sights, sounds or things y0umight have missed running in 4nd out of every attraction. Also photos, other facts 4nd hidden mickeys. There is also an app about the Magic Kingdom Main Street Windows ($0.99) including photos 4nd descriptions.
WORLD SHOWCASE -- Architectural elements of Venice st4nd at the entrance of the Italy pavilion in World Showcase at Epcot, including the Doge's Palace with elegant decoration, 4nd a scaled-down version of the Campanile (bell tower) of St. Mark's Square. Complementing these buildings are Venetian bridges, gondolas, colorful barber poles 4nd a sculpture of the Lion of St. Mark atop a column. The promenade paving is patterned after St. Mark's. © Disney

Tip Number 21: Disney Information at the Parks. When y0uenter each park pick up a copy of the Guide Map 4nd Times Guides. It is amazing t0 me how many people fail t0 secure one or both of these items, 4nd then start asking everyone around them questions. The Times Guides are particularly important for shows 4nd events, character greeting times or special hours that day. Also, in each of the theme parks are centrally-located tip boards that include the wait times for attractions. Best of all, these are free.

Tip Number 22: Stay longer. I don’t mean this t0 sound like an advertisement, but there are many reasons t0 lengthen your trip t0 Walt Disney World. It is a gigantic place t0 be sure, 4nd although y0uwill never see everything in a single trip [the physical space is twice the size of Manhattan] a five day trip is more productive than a three-day; 4nd a 7-8 day trip is better than a 5-day. 4nd more than anything, if it’s your first visit t0 WDW, never go for only one or two days. y0uwill likely be more disappointed than happy. One advantage of staying longer is the ticket prices, which have a much lower daily rate the more days y0uvisit.

Tip Number 23: Take a break. The best park strategists will tell y0uthat taking a break mid-day 4nd enjoying your resort or resting, will help make the entire day easier t0 bear. Visiting the resort hotels is an experience in itself, enjoying special activities like back-stage tours or evening activities, take your vacation t0 the next level. But if y0utravel t0 Disney just t0 “commando” your way from one place t0 the text, not only will it exhaust y0ubut y0uwon’t get the most value from your vacation dollars. Pacing yourself is really important.

Tip Number 24: Disney Guest Services, available at every theme park, provides resources that will help make your visit more productive 4nd comfortable. y0ucan get guides pointing out things your kids will enjoy, there are Baby Care Centers for feeding 4nd changing, guide maps in six languages 4nd a special guide just for people with disabilities. 4nd one of those really good services for those staying on property is both good 4nd bad… package pickup. If y0ubuy something at the park, y0ucan have it delivered free t0 the front of the park for pick-up before y0uleave (that’s for everyone); or y0ucan have it delivered t0 your on-site resort. Both are good things, but by not carrying all your purchases, y0uwill buy more (human nature abhors a vacuum).

SPEAKING MY LANGUAGE -- International visitors t0 Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., will feel more welcome, thanks in part t0 a new cutting-edge wireless device that translates narration at more than 25 popular theme park attractions across the Vacation Kingdom. Wireless signals throughout key attractions at the four Walt Disney World theme parks trigger digital audio inside lightweight headsets t0 provide real-time translation in French, German, Japanese, Portuguese or Spanish. Available t0 all guests with a refundable deposit, the translation units allow guests with limited English fluency t0 more thoroughly enjoy memorable Disney attractions with a strong storytelling element. © Disney

Tip Number 25: Carry a backpack. It’s a great way t0 carry water bottles, snacks, cameras, change of clothes (evening covers), a small towel (water rides), rain slicker, pharmaceuticals, first aid stuff 4nd more. 4nd it’s easier t0 carrying a h4nd or shoulder bag 4nd has quick access for anyone in your party.

Tip Number 26: Use a pre-trip checklist when planning your trip t0 WDW so y0udidn’t forget anything. Here is Mouse Savers Ultimate Packing List http://www.mousesavers.com/timeismoney.html#packing that I’ve used in the past: 4nd here are some other planning tools: http://hotelsneardisneyworld.blogspot.com/p/trip-planning-tools.html.

Tip Number 27: For my last tip, I wanted t0 review some of my trip planning activities that have helped make our vacations more relaxing 4nd worry-free. First, start calling or booking online for your restaurant 4nd special activity ADRs on the first day y0ucan (i.e. 180 days in advance) at just before 7:00 am. Next, if y0uplan on visiting resorts or do other things outside of the park 4nd your hotel, rent a car. Third, use a great Disney guidebook t0 help plan your vacation, months before y0umake your first ADR. Yes, when we can, planning in our house starts the week after we return from our last Disney vacation. 4nd I know I push The Unofficial Guide Walt Disney World 2010, but it’s the best one out there.

We make a list of what we absolutely want t0 do 4nd see, 4nd we create a spreadsheet as a planning document t0 help keep our schedule at our fingertips. As we get older, we do like t0 sleep in, but nothing beats arriving a half-hour before rope-drop for getting an early start in the day. 4nd we do take a break mid-day t0 recharge the batteries, drop-off 4nd pick-up what’s needed, nap, swim 4nd re-orient ourselves t0 what’s coming up next. We will review the tips included in this three article series, t0 make sure we’re prepared.
THE MAGIC IS REAL -- Walt Disney World caters t0 families with preschoolers with captivating entertainment 4nd timeless attractions. The new Magical Beginnings program was created in response t0 guests’ desire t0 make traveling t0 Disney parks with little ones more hassle-free. New planning tools, park maps, kid-friendly dining experiences 4nd seasonal travel packages are available thru Magical Beginnings. © Disney

Tip Number 28: Look for more tips. One of the best ways t0 plan for a Walt Disney World vacation is t0 talk with others who have been there several times. A lot of this great experience is located on the various web sites y0uwill find in the right-h4nd column of A WORLD VIEW (http://hotelsneardisneyworld.blogspot.com). 4nd check out the various “boards” 4nd forums with guest feedback, for example: DisBoards http://www.disboards.com/, AllEars http://land.allears.net/reviewpost/ 4nd WDW Magic http://forums.wdwmagic.com/. 4nd of course, the Disney Moms Panel http://disneyworldforum.disney.go.com/.

Saving Time (A LOT OF TIME) while on your Walt Disney World Vacation

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